Just want to share my favorite Jackie Chan fight, because Jackie Chan is the best and will always be. (From Rumble in the Bronx) Also Nancy is hella hot.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Little Tokyo Shops Spotlight 3: Kinokuniya Bookstore
If you have the need to get your hands on some Japanese magazines, then this is the place for you. I spend a lot of time and money in this place, mostly for fashion magazines like Street Jack, Warp, Cool Trans, Smart, and Samurai. They have every single type of print media in here, like manga, art books, stationary, language learning texts, Japanese versions of magazines like TIME, Newsweek, Rolling Stone and they have toys, CDs and DVDs.
The store front on the second floor of Weller Court. That rack-on-wheels always has bargain books on there.
4 magazines = $47. But it's all worth it, because these magazines always have awesome freebies for your spent money. The magazines are really just a visual book for me to look at the pictures, because I can only read like the headlines and stuff, enough to get the gist of it. But what else is there to read about, they are fashion magazines lol.
Like I said before, Japanese mags are all about the freebies. This is the free swag from the Brutus CASA magazine. What is it? It's a plate from world-renown artist Takashi Murakami. Who wouldn't want a free thing from Murakami, his works are hella expensive.
Every month, I swear I see Pharell on at least one of the covers of the Men's Fashion magazines that I buy. Then again he is pretty much involved in brands like BAPE, so his presence is normal.
Back to the freebies, this is from COOL Trans. It's a fucking Neighborhood messenger bag. Again, Neighborhood items are very expensive, so free is the best way to go.
Dale Ponte a Jugar
For a late lunch today I went to Curry House in Little Tokyo with my old friend Brian. We both love it here equally, and we always don't have a need for the menu because we never change our orders. We talked about a bunch of stuff, like video games, women in Pitbull videos, classroom shenanigans, politics, and upcoming business. You can talk about anything with this fool, and he'll have some input or insight on whatever you shove in his face.
Menchi Katsu HOT OIL (hence Pishoy jokes) with an Iced Green Tea.
Brian always finishes his food, but for some reason this time he was stopped way ahead of schedule. Maybe it was all the talk about politics and the swine flu? Politics is always a drainer. I hate politics, but that's probably because I don't know shit about it lol.
Our Japanese friend Mark Takasui is in San Diego now, so he can never come with us to Little Tokyo anymore, until we found this bronze sculpted relief of him. Now he will be with us everytime.
Longest street name ever.
Utada Hikaru, what a beauty.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Put It On (Their) Tab
So last night I went to Cinespace Club and Lounge in Hollywood for my cousin Jax's birthday. It was supposed to be a Wig Party but I wasn't down for the wig thing, so I was wigless (except for the pic below where I guess I stole the bday girl's fro for a moment). Anyways, the place was pretty cool. There is the bar/dance area which was pretty big in size that had a bunch of comfy couch/bench things to sit on. They played mostly like indie/electro but here in there the DJ mixed in a little hip-hop. Then there was the area where you can watch live-bands play, but didn't really pay a visit to that area accept for when I headed for the bathroom tons of times to piss my liquor out because it was on the way. Yeah, I had 2 1/2 jack & cokes (yes, just that) and i was gone out of my mind, and FUCK them shits were $19 a piece, WTF?! (THANKS GUYS FOR BUYING ME DRINKS!). Anyways, let's just say I had a really good time. (Sorry for shitty phone pics).
Partial group shot of family and my cousin's friends who actually participated in the party theme. I think we had a group of 10+. Very fun and upbeat people.
Now the awesome part lol. Yeah so sometime during the night my drunk ass drifted away from the group and I ended up hanging out with 3 ladies. The coolest one was the one pictured here with me. I'm pretty sure her name was Chelsea, it was pretty loud in there but that's what I made out, so I called her that all night anyway. So yeah, I was just sitting, chilling, when she just comes up to me with a drink in her hand and started talking to me. So yeah ended up chatting it up with her and next thing I remember is sitting on the couch in between her and her 2 other girl friends lol. So yeah, let's see, I think she said she was from Nor-Cal and that she was 23, that's all the info I think I got, mostly the rest of the time we were just dancing together while one of her friends was just sitting and the other one dancing on top of the seats haha. Also, for some reason lots of high-fives to each other and she said she liked my long hair. LOL. Before leaving, I ended up getting her number which she put in herself (which I haven't verified yet lol) and looking at my contacts now i'm LOLing because I put "Chelseat."
I like when girls wear my hats :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009
How Super Street Fighter II HD Remix Should Have Been Done
LOL at idiot Blanka spamming electricity when a Hadouken is about to shit on him.
Block Tests 01 from Dylan Hayes on Vimeo.
Shapes 02 from Dylan Hayes on Vimeo.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Trying to get over with finals.....
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Let's Get Oily
It's finished! My painting final is finished thank god. After about 18 hours total of work, I have finally finished just now. Finished as in I have done enough and don't want to do anymore, even though I can still do a few things to make it better. BUT FUCK THAT, I'M OVER THIS SHIT.
Okay, so the assignment was to create an imaginary landscape with influence from memories. So for my painting, I brought in the memories of my hometown San Francisco and tied it in with a memory of a really hot, dry, arid hike with a couple of my friends years ago. I twisted it by having the Golden Gate Bridge fucked up (kinda like how Magneto fucks it up in X3: The Last Stand) and I brought in the hiking memory by drying up the bay. So here is the process...
First, I stained the canvas a with Burnt Sienna paint very lightly; this is to make the colors that go on top of it come out more vividly than if the canvas was plain white. Then using Yellow Ochre, a very light brownish-yellow paint, I drew in the outline of the picture, which will be painted over with actual color later. This is just the beginning.
So much done, yet so much more to do. Here is pretty much the halfway point, everything is pretty much colored in, except for parts of the bridge and the cracks in the dry mud. Shit gets very tedious, but that is totally my fault for creating such a complex pattern-like design. Everything is just plain right now, lighting effects and detail to be added on later.
And finally...the finished product. As you can see, all the details have been added in. Bridge reflection in the puddle of water as well as shadows added, some greenery and depth added to the mountains in the back, dry-mud given shading for more realism, flailing wires painted in and as a last touch I added barnacles to the foreground rocks.
Just a side shot to get the least reflection from the room light and my camera's flash. 2 more finals to go.
Okay, so the assignment was to create an imaginary landscape with influence from memories. So for my painting, I brought in the memories of my hometown San Francisco and tied it in with a memory of a really hot, dry, arid hike with a couple of my friends years ago. I twisted it by having the Golden Gate Bridge fucked up (kinda like how Magneto fucks it up in X3: The Last Stand) and I brought in the hiking memory by drying up the bay. So here is the process...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Behind the Scenes
Hello viewers. I wanted to give you guys a sneak peek of whats going on for me in my finals week. My first obstacle is what you see here, my painting final. This is due this coming Wednesday the 2oth, and as you can see, I am way behind schedule. The real purpose of this post though is to show you guys my GHETTO ASS "Studio" Space before things get nasty.
Wide-view of the colossal mess I work around. Like them pea-green walls?
Tall view of the space. Sitting on that stool for hours on end is a pain in the ass. Also sock on the floor.
Long-glass palette, oil paints ready to go, mineral spirits to clean brushes, palette knives, a variety of different sized pony-hair bristled brushes, and my roll of shop towels on my fallen square-grid cubbies.
The ultimate in ghetto, my easel. Why buy one that costs a ton of money when you can just work with what you got? It works just as well, if not better. 4 drawers = 4 adjustable heights LOL!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Earthquakes and Volcanoes
You all probably felt it, right? Lol me and Adrian were at work (Best Buy) doing closing duties when it hit. It shook the whole store, pretty much like 3 or 4 big shakes. Nobody really panicked but our manager made us evacuate real quick outside. We waited for a couple minutes just in case of aftershocks or anything, but nothing happened so we just continued our duties. It was gay though because closing duties for our section includes doing things like straightening products like CDs and DVDs, and we were afraid that the quake messed all our shit up lol, but it really didn't so we got to go home and not have to clean up again. But I guess its valid because a 4.7 quake is pretty weak.
Anyways, to celebrate surviving a quake at Best Buy, I decided to head to Taco Bell straight from work and get their new Volcano Box, featuring their original Volcano taco, a regular beef taco, some cinnamon twists and their all new Volcano Double Beef Burrito.
The box is HELLA HUGE. Fucking shit I was intimidated by it.
Soooo much food. Lol though they fucked up on my burrito. As I was eating it I didn't notice any spicyness. I was like....this is a volcano burrito, it's supposed to be hella hot...WTF?! Instead of the volcano sauce they accidentally put sour cream instead. God damn it. But they did get the volcano taco right though, shit was pretty spicy.
Oh and yeah I took a picture of this slug going vertical near my door. I dunno I just thought it was cool.
On a last note, FUCK YEAH LAKERS! and also FUCK YEAH MAGIC! Denver here we come!
Anyways, to celebrate surviving a quake at Best Buy, I decided to head to Taco Bell straight from work and get their new Volcano Box, featuring their original Volcano taco, a regular beef taco, some cinnamon twists and their all new Volcano Double Beef Burrito.
On a last note, FUCK YEAH LAKERS! and also FUCK YEAH MAGIC! Denver here we come!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Pac-Man vs. Hitman: Street Fighter Edition
Everything in life should be edited with Street Fighter sounds.
Japan Snack Review 5: CRUNKY Cafe Latte
Remember when I said the Japanese make funny names for snacks? This one takes it lol. Looks like they collaborated with a certain hip-hop mogul on this one. Anyways, this is a "crunch-chocolate" bar and it describes itself as "A fine combination of crunchy malt-puffs and chocolate." Question is: Is it really a fine combination?
Nice packaging and HUGE lettering on this one craves your attention. Screaming with energy!
Took a huge bite of this bar, and I have to say it was pretty good. Kinda like a Nestle Crunch bar, but better. Nestle Crunch has crispy-rice, but Crunky has malt-puffs, that's probably why I like it better. There are like thousands of those little puffs in the chocolate, seriously I think they fill the whole bar, no spaces in between them. The texture created when chewing is very satisfying, every bite and every chew is crunchy and flavorful while the chocolate is soft. It really does taste a lot like a Latte, and its just right too, not too coffee-ish. Good Stuff. I give it an 8 out of 10.
1 Down, 3 To Go...
Finals that is. So after work today I went to school to work on my ceramics final. Technically it isn't really due til Tuesday the 19th, but ceramics need to be fired in a kiln before completion, and the due date for anything needed to be fired is today (Saturday, 16th) by 9am. So yeah, I worked from 6:30 am last night til like 1:30 am just now, that's a good 7 hours. Counting the other hours I worked on it, it comes to a total of 11 hours just to finish this fucking thing. Anyways, the project was basically to build Mickey Mouse any way you want to. I don't know if any of you will get the reference but its basically me again as Mickey lol but in KAWS style. (Sorry shitty pic from my phone).
Hopefully all goes well in the firing and that it doesn't blow up in the kiln, I want to see this in hardened ceramic glory.
Also p.s. I am saddened because me working on this project has caused me to break my streak in updating daily. I have now missed a day because its Saturday morning now. I had a good run.

Also p.s. I am saddened because me working on this project has caused me to break my streak in updating daily. I have now missed a day because its Saturday morning now. I had a good run.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
SPECIAL GUEST Japan Snack Review: YanYan Double Cream
Sup guys! This time I'm changing it up a bit and having a guest review a snack for me. You've seen her before, and some of you probably know her, but today's guest is: KENDALL! Here is her review....
Hey guys, this is Kendall here. You may remember me from such posts as "I SUPPOSE, HEY!" and "Sushi and Smoke" tee hee. Don came to visit me and asked if I would do a review on one of his Japanese snacks so of course I said yes. I was a bit nervous because I have seen some of his other reviews and didn't want to drink something with a title like sweat, ew. Anyway, so here is my review.
So I opened the package of YanYan and was pleasantly surprised by the delicious smell that arose to my lovely nostrils. I was now ready to taste.
I tried the chocolate one first of course because I am a chocoholic. It seems like a lot of people must be because they give more chocolate than strawberry for you to dip in your stick to. I dipped into the chocolate and took my first bite. The chocolate is creamy and yummy in my tummy as I expected. Nothing to special though. With the bread stick thingy and chocolate it kind of tastes like you're eating a Kit Kat.
Now to the strawberry. I wasn't as excited to try it as much as the chocolate but I ended up liking it more. It's very artifical tasting but still very good. The after taste reminds me of Trix Cereal. Nice and fruity.
Finally to really take it to the next level, I decided to try both flavors together. I love chocolate covered strawberries so I was kind of hoping for that kind of deliciousness. DUMB. It was still good but the chocolate overtook the strawberry's flavor :( Boo.
Overall this snack was pretty good and I ended up stealing the whole thing from Don. Would I want to buy this for myself? Hmmm... I think I'd take those mini chocolate donuts over it. I think I just liked it more because it was in front of me. I give this snack a 6 1/2 out of 10.
Overall this snack was pretty good and I ended up stealing the whole thing from Don. Would I want to buy this for myself? Hmmm... I think I'd take those mini chocolate donuts over it. I think I just liked it more because it was in front of me. I give this snack a 6 1/2 out of 10.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Japan Snack Review 4: Gourmet Cheetos Cheese Selection
Woo! Get pumped! Well, I don't know how you can get excited for a snack review, but this is the one I looked most forward to doing lol. First of all just look at the elite packaging, gold foiled trim and everything. Ok, so to the important stuff. So here in America we have a pretty good amount of Cheetos, I mean we have a lot of different flavors like flaming hot, jalapeno cheddar, flaming hot with limon, and we have different types like the puffs, and the just released GIANT cheetos (which is the stupidest thing ever). Here in my hands is Japan's answer.
First of all I didn't even know Cheetos were in Japan, but they are doing it different there. This one had 4 flavors of cheeses. 4 fucking flavors! They are Cheddar, Cream, Gouda, and Common Bell cheese (yah I've never heard of that one). That's tight! But here's the thing, I was wondering 3 options: Were the cheetos going to be flavored with all 4 cheeses combined? Were they gonna be 4 different flavored (and colored) Cheetos all mixed into the same bag? Or was there gonna be 4 separate packets of each flavor inside the bag to "select" and snack from?
Well here was the result. It turned out to be option one, all 4 flavors were injected (or should I say powdered) onto the Cheetos. But HOLY SHIT these motherfuckers were delicious. Man I guess it's like having a four cheese pizza in a bag. Each Cheeto was bursting with cheesy goodness. As you can see by my "cheeto fingers" in the picture, I wasn't lying when I said they were good, I couldn't stop eating them. Best snack I've reviewed so far. 9 out of 10.
The Blues
This canvas was supposed to be for my final painting assignment, but no I fucked up and bought the wrong size. Apparently, 24 x 36 was too small, we had to go bigger! So what the hell do I do in class for 3 hours? Well, most of the time I just sat there doing nothing, or just critiquing other people's work, but before I left early I said whatever I'll just paint something. And here is the result, yes, me as Mickey Mouse (some of you have seen this before lol).
My friend Chris decided to hop in on the action and he painted a caricature of me. This is now worth $1,000,000 dollars.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Japan Snack Review 3: Shuku Shuku Ramune & Cola Candy
Yes, with my limited Japanese, I'm quite confident that this is the name it translates too. Basically, this bag of candies is flavored in Ramune (carbonated Japanese soft drinks) and Cola. There are four flavors total: Ramune (Blue), Pineapple Ramune (Yellow), Rinbo(?) Ramune (Green), and Cola (Brown). 3 Ramune versus 1 Cola flavor, kinda unfair. Lol at bottle headed kids flying around fueled by carbonation.
The candies were kinda fun, they are actually shaped as ramune/cola bottles. If you hadn't had Ramune before they are those drinks where you have to pop down the marble into the neck of the bottle to drink it. Anyways, the candies were delicious and tasty. They all tasted like their designated flavors; even if I couldnt translate one of em correctly, whatever Rinbo is, im pretty sure it tasted like it lol.
I've had a few of these same types of candies before, so I wasn't surprised at the surprises inside of them. Yeah, the candies are injected with some kind of Fizz powder to make it seem like Ramune or Cola is bubbling in your mouth. WHAT A NEAT FEATURE! Anyways, I give these candies an 8 out of 10.
Still 40
Monday, May 11, 2009
Japan Beverage Review: Pocari Sweat
Here's a weird one. This is Pocari Sweat, and it claims to be an Ion Supply Drink, meant to replace water and electrolytes lost during perspiration, kinda like how Gatorade works. Don't let the appearance and the name fool you though. It does look like bottled sweat, and I have no clue wtf Pocari is and if I would be drinking its sweat, but I do know that when I saw this in the store, I just had to give it a shot.
I was hesitant at first, taking a little baby sip to see how it was. It wasn't that bad, it kind of reminded me of Calpico (another popular Japanese drink), it tasted like yogurt flavored water, pineapple to be exact. Not too strong, not too mild, goes down just right.
In the end, I pretty much drank it pretty fast because it was good and chilled, and it did "quench" my thirst and I feel kinda energized. Seems like I got my electrolytes replaced lol. I give this a 7 out of 10.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sushi and Smoke
Alright so last Thursday was Kendall's birthday like I posted earlier, but it wasn't til yesterday that she celebrated with friends, so of course, I was an attendee. Anyways, we all met up and then headed to Geisha House in Santa Ana, because we are too cool for Hollywood. It was a pretty nice place, lots of hot chicks lol.
You know me I like to report about my food. So here is the "tail end" of my sushi roll (DOHOHOHO! you get my pun there?! LOLOL...........................okay no) called the Ocean Dragon. This roll contained unagi (eel) in it, which is my favorite, and obviously it had tempura shrimp, and it was topped with avocado and caviar, drenched in eel sauce. Shit was delish.
Kendall doesn't fuck around man. She hates sushi so this place was a challenge, and she got around it anyway by being hella classy and ordering some bomb-ass filet mignon (Flaming Yawn) and this-here big ol' square-bowl of brown rice.
After eating and a couple shots of sake, the birthday cake came in a flashy bento-box. WOW.
After Geisha House we headed to Cafe Odyssey, a hookah-bar in Cypress. This is a group shot of everybody (cept for Jake he left for some risky business). Clockwise from top left: Ruben, Me, Kendall, Melvin, Daniel, and DJ "chimney" blowin' that shit.
Lastly this asian-fool right here, Dan, came along, and lemme tell you this guy was either drunk as fuck, or faded as fuck, or both. He gave Kendall a box of donuts for her birthday though, such a nice gesture.
Anyways the night was pretty fun. Met a bunch of new people, and they were all pretty cool and easy to get along with. Til' next time!
Anyways the night was pretty fun. Met a bunch of new people, and they were all pretty cool and easy to get along with. Til' next time!
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