Finals that is. So after work today I went to school to work on my ceramics final. Technically it isn't really due til Tuesday the 19th, but ceramics need to be fired in a kiln before completion, and the due date for anything needed to be fired is today (Saturday, 16th) by 9am. So yeah, I worked from 6:30 am last night til like 1:30 am just now, that's a good 7 hours. Counting the other hours I worked on it, it comes to a total of 11 hours just to finish this fucking thing. Anyways, the project was basically to build Mickey Mouse any way you want to. I don't know if any of you will get the reference but its basically me
again as Mickey lol but in
KAWS style. (Sorry shitty pic from my phone).

Hopefully all goes well in the firing and that it doesn't blow up in the kiln, I want to see this in hardened ceramic glory.
Also p.s. I am saddened because me working on this project has caused me to break my streak in updating daily. I have now missed a day because its Saturday morning now. I had a good run.
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