Yea this is old news but I feel like posting now since it's my day off and i'm kinda active right now. Anyways, over the weekend, the largest fighting game tournament
EVO took place in Sin City Las Vegas, and for those who couldn't attend (like me), mostly every match for every game was available to view via streaming on the web. The only real thing I tuned into though was the SFIV finals, and to no surprise, in the grand finals we had a rematch between the US's best Justin Wong versus the Legendary Japan player Daigo "The Beast" Umehara. Their matches were very intense, I think had heart attacks each round, and a seizure as well. But in the end, it was probably the greatest, most entertaining grand finals to watch, it seriously went down to the last last match possible, but again Wong failed for the 3rd time to beat his archrival Daigo. They dont call him THE BEAST for nothing. But seriously, props to both players as they both have tremendous skill, and good job to Wong for putting up a real good fight for the 20k+ viewers watching live on the web as well as the thousands in attendance.

Daigo (closest) and Wong in the heat of battle.

It is rare to see a smile on Daigo.