Sunday, July 18, 2010


Hello friends. So yesterday (Saturday), I had a day off work surprisingly, and so I was able to go forth with the homegirl Raisa's plan to hit up San Diego, along with Brian as well. This would then become...the 1st time I have ever traveled to the wonderland of San Diego, which means whale's vagina I believe? Ahahah (if you don't get that reference shame on you). Anyways, so after lagging it hard (seriously Filipino Time x3, lol), me and Brian finally reached our checkpoint, Raisa's new pad in Irvine, which in turn, is another 1st time for me as I have never stepped foot in Irvine yet in my life. Off to San Diego we went...first stop, Old Town.

BEHOLD! The Old Town San Diego sign!

UH OH! Sidetracked! I accidentally placed this pic in the wrong order and i'm too lazy to change it, before arriving to San Diego (after a shitload of traffic, a rest stop break cuz I had to piss real bad, fist-pumping with a car full of blondes in the lane beside us, and more traffic), which took a duration of about 2 hours, you encounter these babies...

The biggest pair of tits that are always nippy

OK so back on track. So the first thing we hit up in San Diego was indeed Old Town. After Raisa busted an almost imposible feat (parallel parking her Toyota Highlander in seriously the smallest space ever), we explored the town in the scorching heat.

It was mostly a bunch of gift shops and restaurants, each one offering a variety of different goods, mostly Hispanic-based, I mean, it is San Diego. A ceramic mug in the shape of a single breast where the nipple has a hole in it, with the words "Nutri-Leche" painted on it, was probably the most fascinating souvenir available, its too bad that I didn't buy it or took a picture of it because the shopkeeper was eyeing me.



Encountered this pile o' rocks in the picture below at one of the gift shops. Made me and Raisa NOSTALGIA real hard. She said she used to collect rocks and shit when she was little, which related to me because I collected rocks too, but aside from that I had a passion of collecting fossils. I remember blowing the minds of my friends in elementary school when I bought this fish fossil (a small, bony fish embedded in a rectangular piece of sedimentary rock). What I did was during the 1st out of 3 recesses, I planted the fossil in the dirt where we usually play soccer. When 2nd recess came along, I went to that very spot, made a HUGE COMMOTION and called to all my friends to check out my awesome find. "OMGGGGGGG! DON YOU FOUND A FOSSIL! ITS PROBABLY WORTH A TON OF MONEY!" LOL, when in reality it was like $3.99 from that gift shop in Seattle. It was even funnier thinking that I found a solid-gray piece of sedimentary rock fossil in a patch of wet, damp, dark brown soil. LOL.


Rubberband guns are the shit, LOL at the scoped rifle

Raisa's signature pose and expression

Brian's signature pose

Old Town San Diego is a place littered with Landmark zones and buildings. From the Old Adobe Chapel to the Whaley House, Old Town is a collection of Historic places.

One of the most haunted places in the world

Do you really?!

One of the restaurants was VERY consistent with their bathroom checks as you can see

We encountered a lot of random things during our visit to Old Town, but not as random as these things seen below...

Random chair

Random Toyota Tercel with matching Blue-Colored chrome rim hoops and windshield wipers

After old town, we got in touch with the homie Mayo to come visit her. But after an ordeal and a fiasco and getting lost, seeing her pretty much was not an option anymore, so we decided to hit up one of the eateries SD (Chula Vista) is known for, Lolita's Taco Shop.

Apparently everyone loves the Carne Asada fries from this place, so of course we all gave it a shot. It was good, but not as good as Alberto's Super Carne Asada Fries in my honest opinion.

Cardiac Arrest time

Man did we fail really badly at this dish, me the most as usual. I probably got full after eating only about 20% of it LOL. It was funny because Brian, the Spaniard, didn't get guacamole or sour cream on his, so his plate was basically fries, cheese, and carne fucking dry and not Spaniard-like. You should have seen the face of the guy who took his order, it was probably the most mind-boggling thing that man encountered all day.

Brian getting high off air

After a quick visit from her friend Eugenie and boxing up our unfinished meals, we decided to go forth with Raisa's itinerary....watching INCEPTION. Now, me and Brian had already watched it during its midnight release, IMAX as well, and we we're so amazed by it that we totally agreed to watch it a 2nd time, it being her 1st time, IMAX format again. Let me just say, that I have never watched a movie twice in the theater in my life, and man was I glad to do it for this movie because you will seriously get things you missed while you were too busy trying to comprehend the other shit going on in this mind-fucking movie during the 1st time around, giving you an overall better understanding/grasp of the movie. But I feel like I can totally go for a 3rd helping.

Anyways, I'm not a movie critic but in the end, we did get to visit Mayo afterall (and I'm an idiot for forgetting to bring my camera when we did so I have no pics to show). She called us up and said to meet her up at her apartment, and man was it convenient that it was like 3 minutes away from the theater we decided to go to. So we got to chill with her and met her roommates, who are her fellow cooks/chefs in the workplace. They were all cool in their own way (even though it was a quick meet n greet) and they hooked it up with beers! Thanks guys! Highlight of the night was Mayo dying of laughter when playing around with my "BLEEP!" app on my Droid, which is a button that makes that BLEEP/CENSOR sound from tv/radio when cuss words are used haha.

After saying our goodbyes, we headed back to Irvine, and then back home to Downey. What a great day, an exhausting one too. Thanks for hooking it up with cheesecake, pizza, and the assortment of cupcakes Mayo! Til' next time!

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