Anyways, to me, I think both these girls are decent, or in other words, they allllriiiiiighhhht. But the question is: Which one would I hit over the other?
Let's break down the stats of the competitors.

In the purple corner we have waitress girl (now dressed in her casual wear).
In the white corner we have pajama girl, in her, jammy jams.
Advantage: Pajama girl easily (it's them tiny polka-dot shorts).
Waitress girl has some cutesy moments, a variety of cute facial expressions, and some dance moves. Pajama girl has her cutesy moments and is more risque with the amount of skin she is showing, but all she does is talk talk talk, no singing and she goes as far as telling us guys to BACK OFF. Well fuck you then.
Advantage: Waitress girl by a long shot.
It's a difficult decision, but the winner here is Waitress girl. I'm a sucker for catchy commercial jingles, waitress outfits and record players spinning ketchup and mustard squirt bottles. Pajama girl is not bad, but she just has no appeal other than sex appeal, and c'mon its not all about looks man! Waitress girl had passion, intense burning passion that could be felt from beyond the TV! Pajama girl just seems like she a lazy ass horny bitch who wants to stay home and get nasty all the time....I mean, who wants that?
Well, that's my opinion. Here, watch their commercials and decide for yourself.
these commercials always crack me up cuz they r pointless
ReplyDeletethe minute we as men let catchy jingles allow ugly women to win out over obviously leggy hot teens, we have lost something in ourselves hahaha