So here is the actual grand finals match video of the Ladies of Street Fighter Tournament. With commentary by Gootecks, Shoo, and a special appearance from Nana.
(Video courtesy of Arcade Infinity Blog)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Celebrity Death Week
Man WTF is going on?! Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and today this man, the one and only Billy Mays. You've all seen his awesomeness in infomercials, with his loud, booming, persuading voice, often advertising ridiculous items with ridiculous uses in ridiculous situations with over-exaggerated dramatized examples, such as Mighty Putty. What a coincidence that during today's morning meeting at work, he was in a skit in the video we watched about Best Buy's new training and customer service program. He, like MJ, was only 50 years old. I'm telling you man, there's a conspiracy going on!
Final Round. FIGHT!
So yesterday after work I did what I said I would do and headed down to A.I. to check out the Ladies of Street Fighter IV Tournament, the first of its kind. I picked up my friend Adrian and also met up with my co-worker Kevin and his younger brother Daniel(?). Anyways, it didn't surprise me that the place was SERIOUSLY PACKED. Such a good turn out....I wonder why? Oh maaaybe it's because it's a bunch of girls playing Street Fighter IV, can that be the reason? OF COURSE IT IS.
I got there more than mid-way through the tournament, so I only got to see a few matches, but they were all exciting and great. The atmosphere was hyped, everybody was so energized, screaming and heckling, OOOOH'S and AHHHH'S, and lots of WHOOOOOAAAHH'S, all to keep the spirit of the participants high, letting them know that we were there cheering them on and enjoying them showcasing their skills. The girls were pretty good, it's nice to see females playing Street Fighter and I hope this event can get more of them interested in it to have as much fun with it as us guys do. Anyways here are some pics I took and some videos.
Everybody watching the drama unfold.......and see what I mean? PACKED! Such a huge crowd, there are people even standing on top of other arcade machines trying to get a good view of the competition. Such a large mass of people + hot summer heat + tiny area = terrible; the electric fans were not enough.
Probably the most exposed pro-Street Fighter player out there, Gootecks. He has been seen everywhere lately in the media, from local news features and G4TV.
Semi-final match between Miyuki and Anna. Shoo, Gootecks, and another pro who's name I don't know (but who I see all the time lol) on the floor recording matches via direct feed and using mics for live play-by-play commentary.
Lol again that guy I don't know setting up the next match by calling up the next participant in the bracket.
Crowd/local favorite Stacy (as she works at this arcade) going up to take a seat for her next match about to flash the crowd, or was she just trying to cool herself off? She ends up in second place though, losing against Miyuki in the finals.
I got there more than mid-way through the tournament, so I only got to see a few matches, but they were all exciting and great. The atmosphere was hyped, everybody was so energized, screaming and heckling, OOOOH'S and AHHHH'S, and lots of WHOOOOOAAAHH'S, all to keep the spirit of the participants high, letting them know that we were there cheering them on and enjoying them showcasing their skills. The girls were pretty good, it's nice to see females playing Street Fighter and I hope this event can get more of them interested in it to have as much fun with it as us guys do. Anyways here are some pics I took and some videos.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Ice Cream Run
LoSF Tournament Tomorrow!
Age: 21
Alias: JeM
Character: Chun-Li
Alias: JeM
Character: Chun-Li
Age: 18
Alias: Sherryjenix
Character: C. Viper
Alias: Sherryjenix
Character: C. Viper
It Can't Be...

I was in shock and disbelief, especially because the THEY-DIE-IN-THREE'S rule was totally in full effect as Farah Fawcett died earlier that morning and Ed McMahon a couple days before that.
Anyways, as tribute I just overided the stores stupid Best Buy Radio CD's and popped in my MJ playlist on my iPod and blasted that shit. Right round 3ish a lot of customers coming in for anything MJ related, and basically by 3:30 pm we were cleaned out of all his stuff...even Jackson 5 CDs. People though didn't take no as an answer as several people asked to do special orders online for them because they wanted his stuff so bad. SEE MJ's IMPACT!? Like no other individual....
Man seriously i'm heartbroken. I, like many other people, am a huge Jackson fan from as far as I can remember. Although he has had many controversies and shit, you know he was a good person. The King of Pop is gone, but he is a true legend and his music will no doubt live on forever.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Revenge of the Awesome

Pew Pew Pew. Bing Bang. BOOSH! BOOM! CRASH! cling clang. VUURAAAUUUHHHMM. *Distortion noises* chee chee chuu chuu choo *Transforming noises* SAAAAAMMMMMMM! doosh! vrrmmmm. swooooosh. MEGAN FOX IS RIDICULOUS. skkkrrrshshhh. CLAK CLAK.
clitter clatter. tick tick tack. SAAAAAMMMM!!! OPTIMUSSSSS!!!!!! shrreeeeeee. Doom boom bam. WOW MEGAN FOX RUNNING THROUGH EXPLOSIONS AND DESERT AND DIRT AND SHE IS HELLA CLEAN! Doom scratch dsssshhhh.
No but really speaking now I really enjoyed the movie. A lot of critics bogging it down, saying that its hard to follow and there's no plot, and that it's just a visual treat for fanboys. Well they are fucking dumb lol.
Me and Adrian, while waiting for the hordes of Downey kids flooding out of the parking lot (and also witnessing an accident that I predicted would happen right in front of us), talked about it. Combining our opinions and thoughts, we basically agreed that most of the confusion in the movie were the close quarter combat fight sequences between the Autobots and Decepticons. Basically we both came up with the idea that the visual effects team for the movie just took pictures of car wrecks, scrap metal, and junk yards and collaged em on screen, added some eyes and some sparks here and there and some movement to create the fight scenes.
Visually FANTASTIC, great story, funny moments, dog/robot humping, hot chicks, a bunch of explosions and gunfire, testicle tazering, Decepticon Testicles (Decepticles, thanks Adrian) overall an awesome film blockbuster worth the wait. No doubt will this reign #1 at the box office for a while.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Rush Hour
Jackie Chan might not know how to get there, but I sure do (at least the Long Beach location that is). Anyways, today I hung out with my friend Bill to grab a bite to eat at Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Nostalgia RELIVED!
So what has me waking up all excitedly and getting up real fast in the morning? I wonder....
...could be? This shit looks top notch, its packed and protected by tons of packing peanuts. Why did something this important-looking be sent to me for?
OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-!!!!! I guess my one-man picket protest outside of Betty Crocker HQ paid off!
Haha I'm just kidding (obviously). Apparently, after doing a bunch of research online, I learned that DunkAroos are actually still in production, its just that various retailers in various states carried them in-store only, but typically they are a RARE find. I read a couple people's statements saying they were available still at their local Walmarts (keep in mind they were not from S0-Cal or California at all), so I ventured to a couple Walmarts myself and no luck, leaving me feeling stupid for driving around in search for a kiddy snack. BUT ITS NOT JUST AN ORDINARY KIDDY SNACK DAMN IT! THEY'RE FUCKING DUNKAROOS!
I didn't wanna give up here...
So, in desperation I went to After searching in their grocery section, I punched in DunkAroos and BAM! there they were. IMMEDIATE PURCHASE! Shit cost me $11 plus $12 shipping from New York.
Just to show that I'm not buying vintage DunkAroos for that classic 90's expired taste and to show that they really are still in production.
So in total I got 4 boxes (as seen earlier above), 2 boxes of each flavor (chocolate and vanilla sprinkled) with 6 packages in each, coming out to a total of 24 packages of deliciousness.
THUNDERDUNKIN' INTO THE VANILLA SPRINKLED FROSTING! (If you don't know the terminology this was that black kid's dunking technique from the commercial).
The D for Don coin-shaped cinnamon graham/cookie is the largest of the cookies and the most capable for scooping the most icing in the dip zone, and kid you not the dip zone is deep and wide and full to the brim with frosting, so that no cookie graham goes unfrosted. Oh Betty Crocker you know how to please me.
Mmmm...chocolate. I fucking change my mind, in my post last week I said my favorite was the vanilla sprinkled one, but after having these again these were WAY BETTER! These are also special though cuz the cookies here are chocolate chip, unlike the plain ones in the vanilla package.
I didn't wanna give up here...
So, in desperation I went to After searching in their grocery section, I punched in DunkAroos and BAM! there they were. IMMEDIATE PURCHASE! Shit cost me $11 plus $12 shipping from New York.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
NostalgiaFAG Wednesday Vol. 3: Blowing, Banging, and Insertion
It would be wrong if the actions of my post title were memories of the past/childhood...if they were actually sexually related that is. But it isn't though. What it really has to do with is the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). So what do blowing, banging, and insertion have to do with the SNES you ask? This is why....
You all either owned one of these bad boys or either went to a relative's place or a friend's house to sit in front of the TV and play this shit all day long. Classic games like Super Mario World or Street Fighter II, any fucking game because the SNES was the shit...totally kicked the Sega Genesis's ass. But here is where the main point of my posts kicks in...
When games didn't work, how the fuck did you get them to?
By this I mean, surely you have encountered a game that did not work. Say for like the original Nintendo, the NES, you put in a game and turn it on, but instead of it working, you get a blinking blue TV screen and a blinking red light near the power button. Say for the SNES and even the Gameboy, you insert the cartridge and that startup screen where the Nintendo Logo comes down to the center of the screen and makes the jingle sound is actually scrambled and freezes. You know what I'm talking about right?
So to fix these problems, people had their own ways of fixing em...
One of these ways required seeing the bottom of the game cartridge like this. What I would do is blow into this shit, given the myth that the game isn't working because the cartridge is dirty. After blowing and inserting it back into the system, it usually worked...but not all the time.
Here is another method I and a bunch of people probably did to get games to work. Take an ordinary Q-tip and either soak the tips in water and alcohol and actually swipe and clean the bottom of the cartridge where the contacts were at. This worked too usually, but it was not the preferred way, cuz some people claimed that the alcohol or the water caused damage to the cartridge contacts, thus making your problem worse.
Yeah these 2 methods were the most typical to get games past that buggy startup screen and working again. But there are other little tweaks people did to get them to work if these didn't, and some even incorporated all the methods mentioned to get them to work. Here are a few more techniques.
1. Some people (after blowing/cleaning) insert the cartridge...BUT not all the way. Either slightly jammed in more to the left or more to the right, and the game ended up working.
2. There was the solution of just JAMMING the cartridge with as much force as you can into the system. I remember doing this a lot.
3. People also pretty much just abused the cartridge. Slamming it and banging it thinking it will get it to work.
4. If the cartridge still didn't work after any of that, it was the actual console to blame. So people would actually blow/clean the slot where you insert the cartridge on the console, blowing age-old dust into their faces and mouths (God I remember the taste of that SNES dust).
Then, people had their own rituals...
I remember with me and my cousins, we had this technique to get the games to work. We would blow into the cartridge 3 times, each time blowing harder, until the final BIG 3rd BLOW. After the blowing, we would bang/slap the cartridge with our palms 3 times, then finally, before JAMMING it into the console, we would cough into the cartridge twice. AND VOILA! That shit worked, ALL THE TIME!
I'm sure you guys did this back in the day, and if you remember, you are truly old school. So as usual, hope you had a NOSTALGIC TIME.

When games didn't work, how the fuck did you get them to?
By this I mean, surely you have encountered a game that did not work. Say for like the original Nintendo, the NES, you put in a game and turn it on, but instead of it working, you get a blinking blue TV screen and a blinking red light near the power button. Say for the SNES and even the Gameboy, you insert the cartridge and that startup screen where the Nintendo Logo comes down to the center of the screen and makes the jingle sound is actually scrambled and freezes. You know what I'm talking about right?
So to fix these problems, people had their own ways of fixing em...

Yeah these 2 methods were the most typical to get games past that buggy startup screen and working again. But there are other little tweaks people did to get them to work if these didn't, and some even incorporated all the methods mentioned to get them to work. Here are a few more techniques.
1. Some people (after blowing/cleaning) insert the cartridge...BUT not all the way. Either slightly jammed in more to the left or more to the right, and the game ended up working.
2. There was the solution of just JAMMING the cartridge with as much force as you can into the system. I remember doing this a lot.
3. People also pretty much just abused the cartridge. Slamming it and banging it thinking it will get it to work.
4. If the cartridge still didn't work after any of that, it was the actual console to blame. So people would actually blow/clean the slot where you insert the cartridge on the console, blowing age-old dust into their faces and mouths (God I remember the taste of that SNES dust).
Then, people had their own rituals...
I remember with me and my cousins, we had this technique to get the games to work. We would blow into the cartridge 3 times, each time blowing harder, until the final BIG 3rd BLOW. After the blowing, we would bang/slap the cartridge with our palms 3 times, then finally, before JAMMING it into the console, we would cough into the cartridge twice. AND VOILA! That shit worked, ALL THE TIME!
I'm sure you guys did this back in the day, and if you remember, you are truly old school. So as usual, hope you had a NOSTALGIC TIME.
Monday, June 15, 2009
This afternoon my cousins invited me to tag along with them to Little Tokyo, so of course I went. Just hit the usual stores I've talked about before, but here are a couple things worth mentioning.

Raw Gums, Sensitive Teeth
So tonight I hung out with my cousins Paulo and Carlo, and my Ate (Ate, pronounced ah-teh, means big sister in tagalog, if you didn't know that I just injected some Filipino culture into you. If you're Filipino and you didn't know that, if I had some chinelas on right now I'd take the one from my right foot off and I'd PALO you so hard with it. YOU WANT PALO?! Trust me, you don't).
Anyways, we went to Guppy's Teahouse off of South St. and Pioneer Blvd. in Cerritos. It was my first time there and I didn't know what to expect, but for a late Sunday night, it was pretty busy, chock full of ASIANS. But I'm not complaining, I mean it is Cerritos after all, and I LOVE Asian girls. FUCK YEAH. Here are some pics from the night (excuse shitty phone pics).
Front of the place, kinda hard to see at night, and most likely in the day too because the storefront is pretty much hidden by tall plants, trees, and shrubs. The inside was pretty crazy, had some aquariums with REAL LIVE FISH built into the walls and everything. ALSO CUTE ASIAN WAITRESSES! Anyways, on to the food. Looking around and seeing people with exotic-ass looking dishes like fried rice in a carved out pineapple and weird colored boba-drinks made me feel like such a noob, so we went for a simpler way out...the GUPPY SPECIAL.
1/3 of the Guppy Special, The Strawberry Shaved Ice stuff. Shit was too good man. Simple, but good. Since I have sensitive teeth, shit was difficult to eat cuz it hella hurt, but it was worth it.
Lol this one is kinda hard to make out. Is it a Steak? A Panini? Nope, it's toast. LOL yeah thats a big, 2-inch thick chunk of toast. It's the second part of the special, fuck I think it was called the Coconut Brick Toast? Anyways, this is one of the things this place is known for, and for a piece of toast, it was pretty delish man.
Lastly the Popcorn Chicken. Medium Spicyness with some kinda sweet-n-sour-n-hot dipping sauce. For Popcorn Chicken it was pretty good, tasted like real chicken lol. It was pretty spicy for medium, needed some water to settle down the spice. But yeah I ate a bunch of these and dipped em in the sauce each time so the amount of spice/heat abused the roof of my mouth giving my gums a raw, tender feeling. SHIT HURT MAN. Painful, delicious, and a weird combination for a meal lol.
Anyways, we went to Guppy's Teahouse off of South St. and Pioneer Blvd. in Cerritos. It was my first time there and I didn't know what to expect, but for a late Sunday night, it was pretty busy, chock full of ASIANS. But I'm not complaining, I mean it is Cerritos after all, and I LOVE Asian girls. FUCK YEAH. Here are some pics from the night (excuse shitty phone pics).

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