Pew Pew Pew. Bing Bang. BOOSH! BOOM! CRASH! cling clang. VUURAAAUUUHHHMM. *Distortion noises* chee chee chuu chuu choo *Transforming noises* SAAAAAMMMMMMM! doosh! vrrmmmm. swooooosh. MEGAN FOX IS RIDICULOUS. skkkrrrshshhh. CLAK CLAK.
clitter clatter. tick tick tack. SAAAAAMMMM!!! OPTIMUSSSSS!!!!!! shrreeeeeee. Doom boom bam. WOW MEGAN FOX RUNNING THROUGH EXPLOSIONS AND DESERT AND DIRT AND SHE IS HELLA CLEAN! Doom scratch dsssshhhh.
No but really speaking now I really enjoyed the movie. A lot of critics bogging it down, saying that its hard to follow and there's no plot, and that it's just a visual treat for fanboys. Well they are fucking dumb lol.
Me and Adrian, while waiting for the hordes of Downey kids flooding out of the parking lot (and also witnessing an accident that I predicted would happen right in front of us), talked about it. Combining our opinions and thoughts, we basically agreed that most of the confusion in the movie were the close quarter combat fight sequences between the Autobots and Decepticons. Basically we both came up with the idea that the visual effects team for the movie just took pictures of car wrecks, scrap metal, and junk yards and collaged em on screen, added some eyes and some sparks here and there and some movement to create the fight scenes.
Visually FANTASTIC, great story, funny moments, dog/robot humping, hot chicks, a bunch of explosions and gunfire, testicle tazering, Decepticon Testicles (Decepticles, thanks Adrian) overall an awesome film blockbuster worth the wait. No doubt will this reign #1 at the box office for a while.
Yeah, this movie was GOOD alright.