EY YO SUP EVERYBODY! Comin' right at you with some crazy shit here.
*WARNING HUGE POST AHEAD* Anyways, this special event was 3 weeks in the making....and it is
THE POCKY CHALLENGE!So today I went to Little Tokyo with Kendall (also her first time there...so I kinda broke her in the awesomeness of Little Tokyo) and we went to the grocery stores and bought every single flavor of Pocky they had (except the POCKY GIANTS). Anyways, we came through with a total of 14 different flavors. Grand total = $30+. THAT'S DEDICATION JUST FOR A SINGLE BLOG POST!
The set-up....Hola Cholas. It's Kendall with another one of Don's snack reviews. Again when he told me he wanted another review I was hesitant of what it could end up being. I've seen some of the snacks at Little Tokyo... dried fishies with their eyeballs removed... weird green stuff I don't even know. SCARY. Then when he told me it was Pocky I was like mmmm okay! Till he informed me there were 14 different flavors... My mind wandered with what they could be... nasty, horrible, odd stuff. It turned out to be okay though...until I couldn't take anymore 0_o

The Challenger.......KENDALL! *CROWD NOISES*

Every Pocky has their own personality shown by their packaging....

As well as their stick designs.....(with a few exceptions).

First Pocky of the bunch called "Gokuboso"...first of all, wtf is that supposed to mean? Oh well, took a bite. Pretty good, regular creamy milk chocolate taste. Tasted like the YanYan from my previous review.

Next was "Men's Bitter"... see I'm being manly and buff. I guess this is supposed to be dark chocolate but it ended up tasting just like the first one with a slight bitter aftertaste.

See... bitter, lol.

On to the next... "Original" mehh boring, right? This actually ended up being more bitter than the first. Still good I guess.

"Dessert: Chocolate Cake" I love me some chocolate cake, but this ended up tasting like really cheap, articifical frosting instead of cake. These fools are thick, I didn't even want to finish it.

Nom Nom Nom.

Ugh, next was "Dessert: Orange" I was hesitant to try this cause I don't like orange flavored anything... well except Orange juice and Orange Julius... whatever. Anyways, this shit was overwhelmingly orange, fuck this one. I couldn't even taste any chocolate. Pass.

"Dessert: Tiramisu" I don't even know what that is supposed to taste like, but I heard it was supposed to be delicious. This tasted like a Vanilla Frappuccino, which I don't really like but this was alright...

Next was "White Monte Blanc" basically white chocolate. I don't really know how to describe this one. Kinda sorta tasted like the Tiramisu one but not as strong. For some reason it had a buttered popcorn aftertaste, lol.

I didn't care for it too much.

Starting to get worn out! "Strawberry with Pieces" again tasted artificial but the strawberry pieces were surprisingly good, a bit crunchy, and really sweet.

Super sweet.....

On to "Almond Crunch" I hate almonds, so I didn't really want to try this one. It ended up not being so bad. Just tasted like chocolate with crunchy stuff.

Hesitant to take a bite...

Eh, next please.

Good ol' "Strawberry" playing it safe. This one I can do with no problem. Straight up artificial tasting, but creamy and delightful. Please disregard this picture, I think the Pocky was starting to get to me.


"Milk"... I didn't want to try this one. For some reason all I could picture was a cow jizzing on a stick, even though that doesn't make any sense cause there jizz is not milk... anyways. This tasted like the filling of an Oreo except less sweet.

Taking in the cow jizz.... lol kidding.... wait that sounds nasty. SHHH.

OMG more Orange. "Mikan; Orange with Pieces" ugh at first this one tasted just like the first one but not as strong. After more bites though it just ended up tasting like Froot Loops.

OMG no more orangeeeee!

"Choco-Banana" smelled really good. I don't really care for bananas but this was really good. It tasted exactly like the banana Runts. No chocolate taste though.

Smells.. so... gooddddd....

Okay, so I absolutely hate Coconut. That's why I kept putting it off and it became last. I did not want to try this one at all. The texture of it just totally turns me off. Well this tasted exactly like what it's called.

Please, no more...

So, I thought I was done but then Don said to try all of them at once. I was down. 14 pockys at once!? Is there anything better in life...

Wow, okay this picture looks horribly bad. It was hard to shove em all in my mouth, please no dirtiness involved, lol.

OMG too much!

The taste? All I could taste was the stupid Orange one. Disgusting.

Too...much... Pocky.... need toilet *BARFS* gurihriworyoihfewnkewng. <--- my barfing noise.

EY Donny, I'ma be okay ^_^
The aftermath...So this review was pretty fun. I like doing these. I like Pockys. I get the chocolate ones every now and then. My favorite had to be the banana one. It was super good. EY! Don is eating them right now. I'ma go slap him. Now he's laughing. Those fools are mine! Overall these are a good snack. They make me thirsty though. Anyways! I have to go barf some more... bye!
I had no idea what a POCKY was untill Kendall told me. I'm curious to try these little guys since we both seem to like things dipped in frosting lol. Kendall is a champ for trying 14 different kinds sheeesh! Good job guys I like this post!