So tonight I hung out with my cousins Paulo and Carlo, and my
Ate (Ate, pronounced
ah-teh, means big sister in tagalog, if you didn't know that I just injected some Filipino culture into you. If you're Filipino and you didn't know that, if I had some
chinelas on right now I'd take the one from my right foot off and I'd
PALO you so hard with it.
YOU WANT PALO?! Trust me, you don't).
Anyways, we went to Guppy's Teahouse off of South St. and Pioneer Blvd. in Cerritos. It was my first time there and I didn't know what to expect, but for a late Sunday night, it was pretty busy, chock full of ASIANS. But I'm not complaining, I mean it is Cerritos after all, and I LOVE Asian girls. FUCK YEAH. Here are some pics from the night (excuse shitty phone pics).

Front of the place, kinda hard to see at night, and most likely in the day too because the storefront is pretty much hidden by tall plants, trees, and shrubs. The inside was pretty crazy, had some aquariums with REAL LIVE FISH built into the walls and everything. ALSO CUTE ASIAN WAITRESSES! Anyways, on to the food. Looking around and seeing people with exotic-ass looking dishes like fried rice in a carved out pineapple and weird colored boba-drinks made me feel like such a noob, so we went for a simpler way out...the

1/3 of the Guppy Special, The Strawberry Shaved Ice stuff. Shit was too good man. Simple, but good. Since I have sensitive teeth, shit was difficult to eat cuz it hella hurt, but it was worth it.

Lol this one is kinda hard to make out. Is it a Steak? A Panini? Nope, it's toast. LOL yeah thats a big, 2-inch thick chunk of toast. It's the second part of the special, fuck I think it was called the
Coconut Brick Toast? Anyways, this is one of the things this place is known for, and for a piece of toast, it was pretty delish man.

Lastly the Popcorn Chicken. Medium Spicyness with some kinda sweet-n-sour-n-hot dipping sauce. For Popcorn Chicken it was pretty good, tasted like real chicken lol. It was pretty spicy for medium, needed some water to settle down the spice. But yeah I ate a bunch of these and dipped em in the sauce each time so the amount of spice/heat abused the roof of my mouth giving my gums a raw, tender feeling. SHIT HURT MAN. Painful, delicious, and a weird combination for a meal lol.
stop saying hella don.