So what has me waking up all excitedly and getting up real fast in the morning? I wonder....

Hmmm......what's this......a package?

I wonder....what this.....

...could be? This shit looks top notch, its packed and protected by tons of packing peanuts. Why did something this important-looking be sent to me for?
OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-!!!!! I guess my one-man picket protest outside of Betty Crocker HQ paid off!

Haha I'm just kidding (obviously). Apparently, after doing a bunch of research online, I learned that DunkAroos are actually still in production, its just that various retailers in various states carried them in-store only, but typically they are a RARE find. I read a couple people's statements saying they were available still at their local Walmarts (keep in mind they were not from S0-Cal or California at all), so I ventured to a couple Walmarts myself and no luck, leaving me feeling stupid for driving around in search for a kiddy snack.
I didn't wanna give up here...So, in desperation I went to After searching in their grocery section, I punched in DunkAroos and BAM! there they were. IMMEDIATE PURCHASE! Shit cost me $11 plus $12 shipping from New York.

Just to show that I'm not buying vintage DunkAroos for that classic 90's expired taste and to show that they really are still in production.

So in total I got 4 boxes (as seen earlier above), 2 boxes of each flavor (chocolate and vanilla sprinkled) with 6 packages in each, coming out to a total of 24 packages of deliciousness.
THUNDERDUNKIN' INTO THE VANILLA SPRINKLED FROSTING! (If you don't know the terminology this was that black kid's dunking technique from the commercial).

The D for Don coin-shaped cinnamon graham/cookie is the largest of the cookies and the most capable for scooping the most icing in the dip zone, and kid you not the dip zone is deep and wide and full to the brim with frosting, so that no cookie graham goes unfrosted. Oh Betty Crocker you know how to please me.

Mmmm...chocolate. I fucking change my mind, in my post last week I said my favorite was the vanilla sprinkled one, but after having these again these were WAY BETTER! These are also special though cuz the cookies here are chocolate chip, unlike the plain ones in the vanilla package.
Dude mail me some or DIE.