When we returned from break, I immediately showed my best friend Joseph and he was hooked and wanted me to make more issues, as well as sparking him to create an original character of his own, Jesterman, and he created a series of comics as well. From my 2nd issue onwards, I ended up implementing Joseph's Jesterman into my series with his permission, as well as the addition of another popular video game character Kirby, the fat pink blob that eats a bunch of food and swallows his enemies to steal their powers. From time to time, issues would feature cameos of other characters, such as Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer...cuz uh..yeah...me and Joseph were overly obsessed with Sarah Michelle Gellar. Anyways, the comic evolved from "The Adventures of Bomberman" into "The Adventures of Bomberman, Jesterman, and Kirby."
As time went by, I was making more and more issues, working on them any chance I can. From the bus rides to and from school, in class, during recess, and free time on the weekends. It used to be pretty much exclusive to me and Joseph, but eventually word of my comics spread and a lot of my classmates got into them as well. A lot of people were reading my comics and I just felt really good and cool, especially after another teacher's input. But this event kinda happened very differently than Mr. Cloke's spark of inspiration. Take a look at the issue below...
So here's the rundown. During free reading time, me and about 7 of my friends gathered around in front of the classroom, sat on the grass Indian-style in a circle, and had a group read-around of the comics I had put out, issue #5 being the latest one. This issue was a complete turn around for the series, it was the after events after the death of Joseph's character. PRETTY BIG IMPACTING ISSUE....especially because, I put so much expletives in it. Like most of us, as a yound kid, I knew every swear word, and about sex and all that "bad stuff" and I implemented that side of me in the comics by putting a bunch of swear words in this issue. My teacher Mrs. Wathen, saw us all snickering and giggling outside, and she screamed and asked us what we were reading. Now, my dumbass with my big mouth replied "COMICS!" Thing was, comics were not allowed at school! So she immediately started walking out while saying "Don! Give me those comics, you know comics aren't allowed in school! I will have to confiscate them!" So here I am, freaking the fuck out, because my teacher is about to take away my comics, and I'm obviously shitting bricks at the fact that if she actually goes through these comics (which she most likely would do), she would see my CUSS-WORD-JAMPACKED ISSUE, and I would be pretty much fucked. So with my quick thinking, I folded issue #5 and quickly tucked it into the back of my pants. She didn't see, and so she confiscated the rest. A little while later in class, she called me up. I thought I was busted, instead, she apologized. She said something along the lines of, "I'm so sorry Don. I did not know that these comics were made by you. These are fine to have in school. I read them, and they are actually pretty fun and entertaining! You should make more comics. You are a great artist! Keep it up!" So there it is, even though it was one of the scariest moments in my wee years, I came out of it with more inspiration than I've ever had before. I just wonder how different it would have been if she got her hands on issue #5. haha.
Eventually, I took a new route in my elementary comic drawing career by dropping the Bomberman/Jesterman/Kirby series to start up new series of comics. Just like Bomberman, I did not create and original character, instead, I made comics from well known mascots or characters. Although I had fun with new series, there weren't as satisfying or as fun or adventurous as my Bomberman series, and they fell short and did not last too long.
As I grew older, I did not abandon my comic career. For Griffith's Middle School, I was on the newspaper staff writing editorials and doing the comic strip (which unfortunately I can't find the copies I saved of them). Some of you may remember if you read them back in the day, but they were pretty action packed, and highly influenced by Dragonball Z.
In high school too, I continued drawing comics (just quick classroom drawn doodles, not very serious), not for the newspaper, but to entertain my friends, just as I meant for all my other comics to do. I really loved my friends and stuff getting into my comics, laughing, wondering what was gonna happen next, and wishing for more. It was all done for the sake of their enjoyment, and feeling proud that I was the one who supplied it for them. Well, this has been probably my longest post, but I hope you enjoyed it somewhat. I'll stop now.
In high school too, I continued drawing comics (just quick classroom drawn doodles, not very serious), not for the newspaper, but to entertain my friends, just as I meant for all my other comics to do. I really loved my friends and stuff getting into my comics, laughing, wondering what was gonna happen next, and wishing for more. It was all done for the sake of their enjoyment, and feeling proud that I was the one who supplied it for them. Well, this has been probably my longest post, but I hope you enjoyed it somewhat. I'll stop now.
Dude this brings back so many memories. These were the days man. LONG LIVE JESTERMAN AND BOMBERMAN!