We meet again....

Sup guys and welcome to the 3rd installment of
DIGGING IN. If you are new to this blog this is a time where I dig into my so-called MEMORY BOX, which is really a Gain detergent box stuffed with a bunch of crap like letters and stuff that I saved from my past, namely my high school era. Anyways, let's see what I have for you this time....

You all should remember this glorious moment. After 1 failed attempt, I managed to score my Driver's License at age 16 (provisional paper license pictured). The whole process was a drag: driving school, tons of required practice hours with a guardian, written tests and finally the final driving test with bitchy instructors. Funny story, the first time I failed was because of my own Dad lol. So my Dad drops me off at the DMV, and he goes to buy some coffee and snacks at the Liquor store across the street. He is still gone when it was my turn for my test. So I'm going, doing pretty good, til I get to this intersection. At this intersection, my instructor tells me to take a right, (the final right turn too cuz it is the last turn til we are finally back at the DMV), as I go to take it, I see a figure crossing the street. IT'S MY FUCKING DAD! So he is barely just stepping off the opposite curb, so he still has a long way to go. So of course in my head, I know to follow the rules and I have to wait for his ass to fully cross before I can turn, aka yielding to the pedestrian. But GOD DAMN all these motherfuckin drivers behind me are honking non-stop and shit, so my idiot ass got all nervous and shit so I made the turn anyway, my Dad just barely reaching the halfway point. So of course, after parking back at the DMV, bitchy Chinese lady instructor says "I'M SORRY, YOU FAILED! AUTOMATIC FAILURE!" After bitching to my Dad and telling his ass to stay put 2 weeks later, I pass the 2nd time error-free. LOL.

Me and my friend Katrina wrote a lot of letters to each other back in the day. Most of them normal ones, talking about our days and lives and regular shit. Later on, when we really had nothing else to say to each other in these letters because we seriously did write to each other a lot, we got pretty whacky with them, as seen in the picture above. I'm guessing I asked her to rate me and that I would do the same for her in return, or vice versa. NOT TOO SHABBY OF A RATING huh? LOL @ body type.

Now this letter right here is down right ridiculous. First of all because it is very short, written in short bursts of separate sentences, it is typed, and Anonymous. Judging by the "Untitled" title, this person probably typed this letter to me in his/her computer class real quick using Notepad haha. Don't hate cuz I'm coolerooney and you aren't.
Anyways, that's it from the box this time. Peace out! Stay tuned for Session 4, whenever that may be.
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