Pomona is about a 30 minute drive from Downey without traffic, which is not too bad. But what was bad was the heat. The graduation was outdoor, in the blazing sun. Many people beat the heat by moving their chairs to sit right under trees, or they seriously straight up went undercover, like these kids below. Haha.
There were a ton of people at the ceremony, seriously packed. Good thing there were food vendors and vending machines nearby, quenching our thirsts and filling our stomachs. When the graduates finally walked, it was a sight to see. All of them so happy walking down, knowing that after today they are gonna party it up and go on with their lives. It was funny because this one guy giving a speech made a comment on how we'd rather be watching the Lakers game right now...while he gave probably the longest speech of the day after that comment. Good one, ASS. (jk man congrats to you too....................ASS).
After the ceremony, we headed to Paulo's house just 10 minutes away from the campus, turned on the game, played some ball, and of course, commenced the feast. The feast was an interesting one, a fusion of Mexican, Filipino, and Chinese Food lol. We had Panda Express, El Pollo Loco, and some Filipino goodness that I don't want to specify lol. Lakers lost and we were all pissed, but we waived off our anger with cake, fruit tart, and Big Bang Theory season 1. After the night ended, just headed home our separate ways after a long day. Anyways, just enjoy some pics from the day. CONGRATS AGAIN SIOPAU!
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