Thursday, June 10, 2010


Sup guys. So today (well technically yesterday now...but since I blog so late at night I will count it as today still) I met up with my friend Kayce at the Border's bookstore near our campus of CSULB after I got off a really early shift of work (stupid certification testing!). Funny story how we met: I'd always see him as I was walking up campus and vice versa, leading to him approaching me talking about fashion sense and sneakers haha. Anyways, so we hooked up to have a discussion about the music video I shot/produced/edited for him last month.

He goes by the name Sunni Ali Ber, and the song we decided to make this music video for was Yurugu (click to listen), my personal favorite of all the tracks I've heard from him so far. I really wanted to do this song because it has a different sound to it, and I already had a grand vision for the video. This project was originally just a student project of mine done for my Motion Graphics class, but it turns out that he liked the end product and is thinking about distributing it. But case in point, that is why we met up. This is the first time I've seen him in person post-production (after 2-days of shooting), and he gave me some personal feedback and some inclusions/exclusions that he wanted implemented in the video.

The studio LOL

If you are my friend on Facebook, chances are that you might have seen the teaser trailer I made for it (if you haven't, shame on you). Sorry I did not truly deliver on my promise of the final finished video to be done on May 20th (when the final was actually due) like I said. I mean, it was overall finished, except for the exclusion of the Special FX needed because I couldn't get it to look right at all. If you aren't connected to me via Facebook, here is the trailer, embedded just for you.

Sunni Ali Ber - Yurugu Teaser Trailer

Sunni in the reviewing process, look at that concentration!

Anyways, our meeting was pretty quick and thorough. I have lots of editing to do, and new versions of this video to produce. Hopefully, the outcome will be 100% satisfactory to both me and him leading to distribution for you guys all to see. Stay tuned!

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