Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hello Pedfdadsdyyuhgshs...... (sorry I got distracted cuz Selma Hayek is on Jimmy Fallon right now....) *picks up jaw from floor* Anyways sup DANGitsDON followers. Last night after a long time of not going, me and Mayo headed to Tea Station as usual. This time we changed it up a bit (or at least she did) by bringing Chess and some cards. I haven't played Chess since middle school but I remembered the gist of it, like how each piece moves, how each piece eats, and shit like that. She, on the other hand, is apparently a Chess Wiz. Anyways, our game lasted about 1.5 hours, it was pretty intense. Whoever invented the game of Chess is a fucking mastermind. You swear that you think you can seal the deal, then you see all of you and your opponents options, and realize that you are a dumbass and won't be able to win as easily as you thought. I lost, she really brought that Checkmate on me hard!

Next up she brought out the cards, and because I'm a lame fag, we resorted to playing Speed cuz I don't know how to play any type of Poker (even Pusoy Dos, I'm an embarrassment to Filipinos everywhere), Gin, Spoons, all that shit. Well, me and my slow reactions and my nervous-shaky hands led to me losing 5 games of Speed straight, screaming like a bitch after each card I slammed down. Mayo got tired of beating my ass so we headed out. That's all I got for ya. Here's a recap of the night in phone-pic form.

Mixed Fruit Tea with Boba

Setting up...

Tea + Chess + Sweet Butter Toast = Wide Range of Emotions

Moment of defeat

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